From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
What a great and exhausting week to top off our school's
best year yet! "Fools" was as entertaining as promised- the students
(and Rabbi Spodek) really gave it their all and delivered Broadway.
Wednesday night's chagiga was arguably our most moving
program ever (see articles and photos below).
Mazel tov to Mrs. Kanner on being accepted to the
Harvard Graduate School of Education's Principals Center two week
long seminar in Cambridge this summer. Yaashar Koach to Mr. Adam
Dobrick for going to a full day of training by The David Project
on Teaching Students to Be Advocates of Israel on Campus.
Before each college preparatory final exam, the students
return their textbooks. Students who do not have a textbook
to return may pay the replacement cost of the book. The replacement
prices are available through a link below the Ukraine article.
Students shouldn't forget to submit their community
service hours in order to receive a passing grade for community
service on their year end report card.
Note the link in the right margin to the summer
reading assignments for returning students.
Please join us Monday night at the school from 7:00 to 8:00
for Positive Choices session on "How to Help Your Child Make the
Most of the Summer".
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Meyer Goldvicht Inspires All on Yom
Yerushalayim |
It's hard to imagine that in one day, one human being
could give four shiurim to high school students in the
morning, a luncheon with rabbis, teachers and Kollel
members, shiurim to middle school students at Hillel
Day School in Boca Raton and Brauser Maimonides
Academy in Hollywood, and a major address to the over 200
students, parents and community members at our Yom
Yerushalayim chagiga.
The charasmatic Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva shared
pedagogic advice with teachers, stories to middle school
students, high level text-based lectures to high schoolers and
penetrating insights into the Arab-Israeli conflict to all of
the above when they came together in the evening to celebrate
the 36th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.
Rav Goldvicht made it a meaningful and memorable Yom
Yerushalayim for all.
Powerful Evening and a Tearful Goodbye |
It's hard to capture in words the emotions felt at the
chagiga in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Schneider on
Wednesday night. Rabbi Brander focused on the unique
qualities that endeared these two highly- talented educators
to their students young and old during their three years at
our school. A student-created video moved all present
to both laugh and cry. Afterwards the students presented the
Schneiders with a scrapbook containing testimonies by
all the students about what the Schneiders have meant to them.
The Schneiders shared their moving personal reasons
behind their painful decision to leave their students,
making them promise that they will spend many shabbatot at
their home in Israel during their post high school studies.
WYHS' student band Torahck inspired the crowd with
great ruach in the seniors' last school performance before
they are off to learn in Israel, and Boca Pita Grill provided
a delicious festive dinner. Parents and community members got
a glimpse of the magic of WYHS.
Click here for great chagiga
pictures »
Chelm Was Never So Funny |
beautiful theatre, excellent scenery and props, and
professional lighting were the setting for a perfect
performance by our drama society of the Neil Simon comedy
"Fools". Outstanding performances by freshmen,
sophomores and juniors and Rabbi Spodek had the audience in
Drama Director Mrs. Elizabeth Saddler showed that
she can teach acting as well as she taught singing for her
first WYHS production, "Annie".
Click here for great play pictures »
Home Stretch |
Final Exams begin Monday morning (and every
morning) with shacharit. See the link in the right
margin for the schedule for times and subjects.
On the last day of finals, there will be an awards
breakfast in honor of our student-athletes and their
accomplishments this past year.
Click for Graduation Info »
| |
to the USSR |
This past week's high-lites of our
Senior Mission to the Ukraine included a
shabbaton with Ukrainian young adults at a retreat
center (4 star by Ukrainian standards, minus 2 star by US
standards) with Ukranian college students, a visit to a
planetarium that was formerly a shul, tzitzis
making and tie dyeing with Ukranian students,
unloading a truck full of supplies from the Joint
Distribution Committee including boxes of adult diapers
(10,080 diapers, to be exact), singing some Jewish
"golden-oldies" for elderly Jewish residents of Kharkov
(top photo above), bowling with the Ukranian students
at Kharkov's one bowling alley (six lanes for 1.5 million
people), a solemn pilgrimage to the ravine where 30,000
Kharkovian Jews were murdered by the Nazis (Drobitski
Yar), celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of one of the
Ukranian students, and a kippah-painting project with
the 7th grade boys.
Click below for the "can't-put-it down" diary of
this powerful week.
This week's Ukraine Diary